Wednesday, 13 December 2006



The internet has opened up a world of possibilities from shopping to education to financial success delivered through a wire straight to our desktops and laptops. The internet revolution has empowered the small investor to educate themselves and to make financial gains in the arena of day trading and the internet stock exchange.
The traditional hassle of finding a broker and reaching them directly via phone or even e-mail is rapidly becoming obsolete. Online trading has advanced the average stock broker into a whole new realm. For some it’s a marvelous pandemonium that has freed them from obsolete tradition. For others, online stock trading is a scary sea of the unknown and an abyss of pitfalls.
Fortunately, with a little education and a little research the average stock trader can decide whether online stocks are the right tools for success or if they are more comfortable sticking with traditional venues. Exploring that education is vital even if you are already involved in online stock trading. There is always room for improvement and always more profitable ventures.

We already know that the stock market is a volatile and unforgiving arena. Some people do very well in the stock market while others lose every penny they invest. What is the difference between these two types of investors? Some would say luck, and while luck does factor into the picture in its entirety, it is a very low percentage factor in stock investments.
Online internet trading still allows an individual investor the ability to obtain a broker and receive consultation, although most report that the brokers who rely on internet clientele are not as customer service oriented as the traditional broker whose brick and mortar office is just a few miles away. Online brokers tend to give most of their time and attention to the large accounts while the smaller accounts often fall to the wayside. That does not mean they do not provide a valuable service. It simply means that the service provided is about what you can expect of most online only services. Successful online companies have a very large clientele and can afford to lose a few who they consider to be a little too needy.
However, the online stock broker tends to have lower fees and commissions in return for their lack of availability. Traditional stock brokers have the ability to receive orders online but their commissions remain about the same as calling them on the phone and dealing with them in the traditional fashion.
Internet stock trades tend to be faster and more reliable, but beware, not all of them are instant. There are some basic options when it comes to buying or selling stocks online. Your request can either be set to a price or set to shares. Depending on the firm you are utilizing, you may not receive the same price that you noticed on the stock ticker of too much time has gone by or the stock made a sudden increase or decrease.
This not all that different from traditional stock brokers, however there is the notion that anything online is instantaneous. Most firms, whether online or tradition will explain these details when opening an account. There are a few however, that expect you to do your own research and offer very little in customer support. The simple adage to this basic issue is look before you leap.

It does not matter how good the firm is, or how good you believe the online stock program you have discovered is believed to be, nothing substitutes a solid education in managing your stock investments. The educated stock investor always has the advantage over those who place their financial future into the hands of a broker. Some believe it is too complicated to educate themselves, that the facts, figures, trends, and charts are beyond the average person’s ability to understand. This is not true. Investing is something that few people have explained to them in a way that is simple, basic, and easily understandable.
Math, Science, and English are basics of our education as children. Stock market investing is left as this looming adult topic that exceeds our knowledge base. The truth is that the basic key elements of stock trading are really quite simple and there are resources out there to help us understand the wealth of information we tend to find intimidating.
One of the best resources out there on the internet today for the investor looking to educate him or her self about online stock trading is The beauty of this website is the simple breakdown of information so that the new investor doesn’t have to go into information overload and become overwhelmed with all there is to learn. The articles are informative and cover key points of day trading with concise information in readable styles.
The stock market is a fluid entity. It is filled with changes and differing strategies depending on the current trends. For awhile the stock market seemed like an infinite gold mine. The trading days of the late nineties and the early twenty first century were littered with booming stocks that seemed to consistently skyrocket off the charts. Those days are gone for now, but may return. The same strategy one may have used then is not going to work in today’s stock market.
Making sense of the stock market news briefs, media tickers, and hot tips takes more than just the basic eye for low figures and basic gains. Again, that is where the educated investor can develop a strong plan and a concrete investing strategy that can help him surf through the more volatile days of the stock market.
Even the best of internet stock traders can lose money in the online stock market. It is always best to exercise caution when beginning your trading career. Whether you are just looking to make a little extra money for retirement, college tuition, or are looking to earn a living from internet stock trades, there is an element of risk involved. Stock trading is the equivalent of highly educated gambling. Anything can happen and there are simply no guarantees.

Even with the volatile markets and the risks involved, success is till possible. The best way to approach the online stock trading arena is to develop a strategic plan based in realistic expectations and grounded in the basics. Be selective, especially in the beginning. Just because a stock looks good at the onset doesn’t mean you need to go throwing all of your assets into it. Many stocks look good at first glance. Being selective means approaching your investments with a bit of skepticism and realism.
One of the best ways to be successful is to listen to those who are already successful. Again, one of the best resources for all in one place information is the remarkably informative website With quick tips and in depth advice and intelligent commentary, this web site has something for everyone, and every investor comfort level.
It’s a great place to go if you’re considering using an online discount broker or figuring out if one of the top sites is better for you. Online brokers vary, and some who claim themselves discount also claim to service the small investor better. But beware, a simple course in one of the many online trading academies does not make anyone a professional. Of course it’s good to be educated but there is still a difference between the professional broker and the good enough amateur.
Online investing, or any investing for that matter, is difficult enough. It’s truly not worth the few bucks saved in measly commissions to deal with anyone less than a professional. Anyone promising ridiculously high returns in short periods of time is not a professional, at least not a professional online stock broker. Be sure you know the sea you’re swimming in.

It’s an exciting venture, to be able to log on to any computer anywhere in the world and follow your money twenty four hours per day, seven days per week. Before you set your sights on the stars, however, make sure you really understand you options. Take the time to really look into what professional experts and successful investors are talking about to give yourself a fair chance.
Online investing is difficult enough without having to deal with a sea of sharks out there, and they are out there. Carefully read through the articles and information posted on and evaluate the options available to you, your risk tolerance, and even whether online trading is right for you. Most people are truly finding benefits in the online trading revolution, but of course there will always be the few who insist on a broker that can return a voice mail and deal with them directly when the need arises.
Don’t forget to have fun. This amazing technology wasn’t even available to most of our parents, and of course their parents wouldn’t have imagined it in their wildest dreams. The future is there for those who want to make the most of it. Take your time, get informed, and when you’re ready you will swim.

Bobby Ryatt

Sunday, 10 December 2006




Bobby Ryatt

“Online stock trading” has seen a recent boom since the inception of T.D.Waterhouse Online ETrade etc. Since then there has been a host of online web applications that provide information for “online stock trading”. Some of them are online stock brokerage trading firms while others are individual investor “online stock trading” websites.
There is a remarkable difference in these two types of websites. Online trading firms are almost the equivalent of traditional trading with more resources to assist the accountholder for tracking their money. “Online Stock Trading” is a do it yourself website, with web based information, complete with the reports on annual fees and commissions that provide the investor with information and a method of investment.
While trying to sort through the information provided by online site sources and “online stock trading” websites can seem like an insurmountable task, there are a few of these websites that provide a simple and easy to understand format. is a revolutionary online trading website that is invaluable in assisting the average investor in understanding the stock option resources available to them.
Online trading ideas has the unique feature of language translation right on its webpage. Whether you are searching for “online stock trading” information in Russian, French, Italian, German, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, or Portuguese, this website has the information for investors from all around the world to gain a further understanding of trading in the marketplace.
The online Trade Market News is a wonderful resource to achieve a wide variety of knowledge in a multitude of trading aspects. Bank of America, Yahoo! Finance, and INREEX are just a few of the topics covered on this informative page. ETrade and the Online Trading Academy as well have a remarkable amount of information on this page. The website offers informative online trading news and updates as well as unbiased trading articles.

Unbiased trading articles are crucial to a website’s credibility. Unbiased trading reports are critical to making financial decisions. The presence of these reports lends credence to the notion that this website is not just about promoting itself, but promoting the information necessary in order to navigate the harsh world of online trading.
The collection of “Online Stock trading” articles is yet another resource available, lending itself to guides and even step by step help packages to getting started in the online stock market circuit.
Financial independence is possible when you know where to look. The leaders in financial guides and resources all share the same view, make your money work for you. Financial marketing is a proven method of increasing income potential and deriving a sound plan is the key to investing wisely. The popularity of stock brokerage firms is falling dramatically with the introduction of the small online investor. It is estimated that in the next fifty years stock brokerage firms will become obsolete for the average investor.
Discovering the best individual method of “online stock trading” can be a difficult proposition. Some require minimum deposits while others require trading organization fees. There are a few that are commission only, though those are rare. It is quite common, however to find a firm with low fee trading that will periodically waive its commission based scale to encourage new investors to use their services.
Not all firms will treat their investors equally. There are firms who do not consider any account under $50,000 a worthwhile endeavor. Before placing any capital to be invested with any firm, it is wise to find out their average clientele. Remember that those who trade for you in any online brokerage firm are subject to a commission. The higher the trade, the higher the commission. Therefore it would make sense to assume that smaller accounts are not getting adequate attention. It is imperative to find out this information prior to depositing any sum of money with any online trading firm.
Do not assume that just because a firm is well recognized that it is suitable for the small investors needs. It is imperative that as many published reviews as possible and the opinions of both current and former clients be taken into consideration. Equally as important, don’t assume that every review can be taken verbatim. Reviews can be purchased, thus they can be misleading to the investor.
The basic rule of thumb in determining the value of reviews is fairly simple. Three out of every five reviews contains 75% accuracy, while one out of every one hundred contains 80% or better. So, if you read ten reviews by small investors and seven of them say the firm in question meets the small investor’s needs, then it’s safe to say that the particular firm is averaging a satisfied small investor rate of three out of four.
The information on “Online Trading Ideas” can significantly streamline research for small and large investors alike. They have picked the articles and reviewed the news prior to posting to help narrow down the ratio of off the mark reviews and news. It is important to maintain that every investor is different with varying demands from the financial world. Online Trading Ideas is geared toward helping the individual investor with personalized needs and risk tolerances to help them along.
Large investors, as well need to place their research on firms that can handle the large sums of money. Not every firm is equipped to deal with much more than a couple hundred thousand dollars at one time from any single investor. Remember, it’s not their money. Large sums equal large commissions and thus it is fair to say that most firms, even do it yourself online trading firms, do not limit their investors. Online Trading Ideas can help the large investor filter through what is available to them to significantly shorten research time.
The risks of online day trading vary by individual, personal circumstance, and overall risk tolerance. One of the fastest ways to reduce risk is the gather information and become an educated investor. Educated investors are those who know how to seek out trends, which have a constant list of questions and are perpetually prepared to adjust as new information develops. Most of all, the educated investor has a trusted resource to navigate him through the marketplace. For many, Online Trading Ideas has become that trusted resource.
Equity trade research is a highly unique skill. It is important to be able to trust the source of the research that is being provided. A free exchange of informed ideas can be invaluable to the equity trader.
Direct investing has been revolutionized with companies such as ING Direct. ING works on the concept that their service is of high enough quality that they see no reason to charge anything more than minimal fees. This revolutionary concept has been adopted by other firms as well and has led to higher investor confidence when choosing an online investment firm. ING and comparable companies have increased their clientele rate by a much larger margin than ETrade and other commission plus fee based services.
The world of personal investing is loaded with pitfalls, and the average investor has been greatly relieved to see such websites as personal investor has never before had the chance to be so successful without years of formal education the well guarded secrets of the professionals.
Online Trading Ideas has helped to open up a new world to the timid investor as well. With their stock quote research and their vast quantity of knowledgeable and variable consideration, the timid investor can understand the process step by step in a more thorough account than most “online stock trading” companies provide.
Overall the site is impressive. Online Trading Ideas is more than a simple blog thrown together to promote advertisers. This web site has in depth coverage of varying topics that make it a top pick for both the novice and experienced investor alike. Contributions are point blank honest, well written, easy to read, and littered with integrity. The step by step information pages give you real references with real links that work in real time. The most refreshing section of this entire is the section that can’t be found. There are no promises of firing your boss next week or making thirty four thousand dollars in one week.
There is a great amount of lucrative information posted on than a handful of ridiculous promises aimed at the desperate and needy. This is true education and absolutely a wonderful tool for any investor wanting a bigger bite of the pie. The same is true for the investor that hasn’t yet found the courage to invest a single dime, until they receive the right information. With Online Trading Ideas, the average investor finally has a chance at making their goals attainable.
Bobby Ryatt